About five years ago, a patient of mine gifted me with a collection of her beautiful, stamped cards. I never used them, preferring to hoard them, looking through them from time to time in admiration and gratitude. Came across them while tidying up my studio (I use the expression "tidying up" loosely, as anyone who knows me would understand, much to their chagrin at times!) a couple of weeks ago and one particularly caught my attention. She had used what I thought was a mesh ribbon as an embellishment and I frantically went online searching for such a product. I found some, called Magic Mesh, but my order wouldn't go through. Then I saw a posting about using drywall mesh tape, which I had never heard of. Lo and behold we had a big fat roll of it and I started experimenting. It is sticky and repositionable until it dries, it doesn't fray, easy to cut. I suppose it can be dyed with stamping ink, and I'm going to play around with silver and gold spray paint for the holidays.
So here are my first two experimental offerings.
I also found a product online called FlowerSoft. I hope I'll be showing some cards on here soon with some good results.
This hot weather has been oppressive, hasn't it? I find myself looking forward to fall. Of course I'll be singing a different tune come February. I think that's how it's supposed to be.