Saturday, September 19, 2009

My "workshop" is a room in my basement which used to belong to my daughters (one after the other) with my computer, a TV and DVD player, and a daybed so my cats can keep me company while I work on cards AND begin to watch all the old seasons of Lost while I work on cards. Here are the latest ones, created while watching the first, second, and third discs of season one. They are not inspired at all by the story, as you can see. No smoke monsters, no wild boars, and certainly no sparks flying back and forth between Jack and Kate. I run upstairs after I finish each card and have to show poor Chuck my latest creation. "Very creative, girl," he says.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo pretty! I love the ones at the bottom especially.

    I request LOST cards...:) You could do one with that series of numbers. Or a sparkly smoke monster.
